News from Canada
A few weeks ago, I ran across a news item saying that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission was considering a random alcohol drug testing requirement for anyone with unescorted access to sensitive areas of a nuclear power plant.
The news surprised me, because we instituted this policy in the United States years ago. In fact, the rule was promulgated while I worked for Commissioner Kenneth Rogers at the NRC in the late 1980s, so I remember the discussions very well.
Although there was a great deal of concern about the drug-testing program at the time, to my knowledge, there have not been significant problems with it. One of my biggest concerns had been the chance of false positives. When the NRC implemented the program for its licensees, it also implemented an internal program. I remember being told that foods with poppy seeds could cause a false positive.
The technical solution, of course, was a more sophisticated test that could distinguish everyday poppy seeds from their close cousin, opium. However, in a briefing to those of us who were going to be in the random drug-testing program, an over-zealous staffer told us that, if we were subject to random drug testing, it would be advisable if we did not eat poppy seed bagels. (And by the way, poppy seed bagels are hardly the biggest problem. The number of poppy seeds on a poppy seed bagel pales in comparison to the number of poppy seeds in the poppy seed cakes that are popular among German-Americans and others.) Well, I for one was not about to have my employer tell me what to eat and what not to eat. Before that briefing, I happily ate any kind of bagel. Ever since then, however, I choose poppy seed bagels whenever I can!

Fortunately, there wasn't an accident on our helicopter flight back to Paris, and fortunately, I guess, I was never drug tested at NRC after eating a poppy-seed bagel.
In any event, I want to assure our neighbors to the north that the flap over drug testing came and went in the US nuclear community, everyone adjusted, and the world is still safe for poppy seed bagels!